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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center


A story of the relationship between "cutting-edge technology (artificial intelligence)" and “desire/art” of the near future

  • DateNov. 18 (Sat) – Nov. 19 (Sun), 2023
  • Time4 PM – 5:40 PM
  • PlaceTheater 2
  • Age LimitAges 13 and older (born before 2010 or 7th graders and older)
  • Seating472 seats
  • Price All seats KRW 15,000
  • TicketWebsite / Ticket office / Call center
  • Contact+82-1899-5566
  • Running time100 min.


Age limit
  • Age limit: Ages 13 and older (born in 2010 or 7th graders and older)
  • * With the amendment to the Civil Act on Jun. 28, 2023, the international age counting method applies.
  • Please bring a proof that indicates your date of birth (NHIS certificate, resident registration certificate, passport, student ID card, etc.)
  • * Those who are younger than the age limit are restricted from entering the performance hall regardless of ticket purchase or presence of a guardian.
  • * Cancellation, refund, or change of booking on the day of the performance for not knowing the age limit is not available.
Ticket booking and pick-up
  • Claiming of reserved tickets is available from one hour before the beginning of the performance. On-site ticketing is available from 10 AM of the day of the performance.
  • * Confirm booking no. or mobile phone no. to claim ticket.
  • Wheelchair seats can be purchased via the call center (+82-1899-5566).
  • All discounts are applicable to the recipient of the ticket, not the purchaser.
  • * Discount documents must be presented on-site for discounted tickets. Full price must be paid when documents are not available.
Matters to note
  • The Asia Culture Center has put an age restriction on the show and restricts photography and entry after the show has begun to ensure a pleasant viewing experience.
  • * All consequences arising due to failure to read the matters to note are the sole responsibility of the individual.
  • The audience may enter the performance hall 30 minutes before the show begins. entry after the beginning of the show may be restricted.
  • * Entry time may vary according to situations or the characteristics of the show. The audience is recommended to enter 10 minutes before the beginning of the show.
Selected for the 2023 Support Project for Performance Distribution Cooperation
A story of the relationship between "cutting-edge technology (artificial intelligence)" and “desire/art” of the near future
"Self-Designation" is an original performance created by director Park Jeong-hee known for her experimental and sophisticated interpretation of contemporary theater and playwright Jang Woo-jae immersed in his works of the near future seeing human from the perspective of the beings “other than human.” Jackie Jang also took part as the concept advisor to provide guidance on the near-futuristic story.

This work is a montage of the before and after the designation of Jenny, a film student, throwing questions on the near future where extremely advanced machines will help humankind. How should we view the psychological "control" of an AI psychiatrist? Can the works of an artist that relies on AI to block their own mind be accepted as art?

No, 곡명, 작곡가로 나열된 표

Region Date Time Location Remarks
Yongin Nov. 11 (Sat) – Nov. 12 (Sun), 2023 Sat 3 PM, 7 PM / Sun 3 PM Cheoin Hall, Yongin Culture and Art Center  
Gwangju Nov. 18 (Sat) – Nov. 19 (Sun), 2023 Sat, Sun 4 PM Asia Culture Center ACC Theater 2  
Busan Nov. 23 (Thu) – Nov. 24 (Fri), 2023 Thu 11 AM, 7:30 PM / Fri 7:30 PM Haneulyeon Theatre, Busan Cinema Center  
How to view the development of AI From the perspectives of humanities, philosophy, and ethics
Artificial intelligence (AI) has started to affect our lives in all areas, including daily lives, economy, society, culture, and art. Technological development will continue at a faster rate than ever. This workshop intends to contemplate on the various issues that may arise from such technological development from the perspectives of humanities, philosophy, and ethics. We hope this serves as an opportunity to obtain insight on the upcoming world of AI.
  • Date and Time Nov. 18 (Sat) 2 PM – 3 PM
  • LocationTheater 3, ACC Archive & Research
  • TargetTicket holders of "Self-Designation" and citizens
  • LecturerJackie Jang (president, Jackie's Medi-ecology Institute), Heo Kyeong (philosopher, Philosophy School Haeyum)
  • ApplicationOnline application Shortcut +
Find out more about the lecturers+ ++
In the near future, AGI* psychiatrists can control people’s cognition and apply them in psychotherapy.
Jenny is a film student in her senior year who has already been recognized in a global film festival with a short film some years ago. This capable student has been dealing with depression for quite a while. Jenny does not feel any better even after seeing AGI psychiatrist Colley, so she turns to “self-designation” as proposed by Colley.
While analyzing Jenny’s designated algorithm, Colley judged that her psychological disability came from herself, unlike the way it expected, and begins another form of designation with Jenny. Later, Jenny’s story spreads in her college and some believe her decision is a mental suicide.
* Artificial general intelligence
A hypothetical computer program that can perform intellectual tasks as well as, or better than, a human. It is also known as artificial superintelligence.
Lee Ho-jae Benois
  • <The Habit of Art>, <Gaze>, <Amy>, <Chobun>, <Peer Gynt>, <Drug Peddler>, <The Seafarer>, <Sleuth>, <A Thousand-Year Prisoner>, etc.
  • 2011 Bogwan Order of Cultural Merit of the Republic of Korea
    2006 Actors of the Year Award
    2004 “Light of Life” Alumni Award of Seoul Institute of the Arts
    2002 Seoul Metropolitan Government Culture Award for performance category
    1994 Lee Hae-rang Theater Award, etc.
Baek Eun-kyeongSoo-yeon
  • <Birthday>, <The Story of an Old Couple>, <Be>, <Artistic Art>, <Mackerel of Room #5>
Lee Yeong-sukJessica
  • <Fall Asleep on the Way on a Picnic>, <Copenhagen>, <Cherry Blossom Hill>, <The Idiot>, <Eight-Year-Old Wooju>
Moon Ye-ju Colley/Professor Jeong
  • <Les Fourberies de Scapin>, <Gold Birds>, <Sweat>, <Hwajeonga>, <Boy Gets Girl>
Ye Soo-bin Jenny
  • <One Table Restaurant>, <FBW>, <Motor Town>
Music Theater
  • <Spring of the Green Hill>
  • <Cosplay Papa>
Hong Seon-woo Professor Kim
  • <Othello>, <HIR>, <One Village>, <Oil>, <The Writer>
Moon Byeong-seol Dong
  • <Cherry Blossom Hill>, <Dirty Blood>, <Self-Designation>, <When I Am Laid Down from Depression>, <Non-Rem>
Kim Kang-min Student
  • <Self-Designation>, <Dance of Revolution>
Lee Kyeong-han Student
  • <Othello>, <Ibagyeom Project: Short Stories of Kim Ae-ran>, <Way to Heaven>
Yoon Ye-rim Student
  • <My Laziness Triumphs>, <Ash: I'm Calling You, Mr. Kim Jae-il>, <Othello>
Producer: ACC, Theater Punggyeong
  • DirectorPark Jeong-hee
  • PlaywrightJang Woo-jae
  • Concept Advisor Concept Advisor
  • Stage Art (stage, lighting, costumes) Yeo Shin-dong
  • Video Design Yoon Min-cheol
  • Music/Sound Jang Yeong-kyu, Kim Seon
  • Sound Design Jeon Min-bae
  • Stage Design Assistant Yoo Tae-hee
  • Lighting Supervisor Hong Yu-jin
  • Costume Supervisor Oh Hyeon-hee
  • Assistant Director Kim Ha-ram
  • Stage Director Kim Sang-yeop
  • Project Manager Kim Eon
  • Company Manager Im Ji-seon
  • Next-gen Planning Song Eui-yeon
Distributor: Asia Culture Center Foundation
  • PresidentKim Seon-ok
  • Secretary General Lee Seong-seon
  • Cultural Distribution Team Manager Cho Jeong-ran
  • Planning and Distribution Program Director Park Seo-hyeon
Place Info.

ACC Theater, Theater 2

Copyright(C) National Asian Culture Center. All rights reserved

38 Munhwajeondang-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61485, Republic of Korea


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  2. 2. 수집항목: 이메일 주소
  3. 3. 보유(이용)기간: 2년
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  1. 이름: [미등록]
  2. 연락처: [미등록]
  3. 주소: [미등록]