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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center

2022 ACC FOCUS《水天堂》

2022 ACC FOCUS《水天堂》是探索水生态系统与人类关系的融·复合展览。旨在通过介绍人类神话和历史中的水的故事,以及使自然生态得到循环和治愈的水的各种故事,为人类提供一个机会,让人类重新思考作为生命源泉的水的珍贵性。

2022 ACC FOCUS《水天堂》
  • 日期2022年6月9日(周四)- 9月12日(周一)
  • 时间10:00 - 18:00
    10:00 - 20:00(周三、周六)
  • 地点综合3馆 / 综合4馆
  • 对象全年龄段
  • 价格 免费
  • 预售自由参观
  • 咨询+82-1899-5566




Aqua Paradiso
Aqua Paradiso is a story of “water.” Long ago when humans understood nature to be the trust in Divine Providence, water was awed and appreciated. People thought of natural events, including floods, heavy rain, typhoons, and tidal waves, as the products that stemmed from the emotions of God, while understanding timely rain and spring water to be the water of life. Held in front of nature, humans were small and vulnerable and the greatness of nature stood for “sublime.”

However, such a “sublime” aspect of nature disappeared in the advent of Anthropocene. After the Industrial Revolution, nature has no longer become something miraculous to be awed: CO2 emissions skyrocketed, the ecosystem was disturbed; the boundary between the wild fell apart; various infectious diseases broke out on a periodic basis; and the desertification of farmland and forest accelerated. Through such a phenomena, nature has turned to be something protected, the weak and the grand other, and crisis beyond control.

The exhibition, Aqua Paradiso, intends to remind humans of the potential and “sublime” aspects of nature by examining “water,” the source of life, from various perspectives, through contemporary visual art. In doing so, we aim to rediscover and bear in mind how precious water is for the survival of humans, nature and the universe and the balance among them.

The 11 local and foreign contemporary artists participate in this exhibition to introduce a variety of narrations centered around “water” that first appeared when humans lived through the era of mythology and legends, accompanied humans along the history of colonial exploitation, creates stories while existing in the human unconsciousness, serves as the absolute regulator to strike the perfect balance in the natural eco system, drives the universe as a physical organism, and plays the greatest role as a healer.
Ligyung, My Jubilee ist Unverhemmet
于一兰,苏路故事 – 卡拉依特岛上的长颈鹿
Yee I-Lann, Sulu Stories: The Ch’i-lin Of Calauit
Maryanto,Tirta Perwitasari
Maryanto, Tirta Perwitasari
Dakd Jung,艺术的源泉
Dakd Jung, The Fount of Art
Adrien M & Claire B,洪水 – 穿过镜子
Adrien M & Claire B, Acqua Alta – Crossing the mirror
Kwon Hye-won,液体视觉 - 序言
Hyewon Kwon, Liquid Vision – Prologue
Vakki, Self archetype of the unconscious
eco orot,济州岛珊瑚钩编
eco orot, Jeju Coral Crochet
Kim Tae-eun,Rectangular System
Tae-Eun Kim, Rectangular System
Boo Ji-hyun,Where is it going
BOO Jihyun, Where is it going
Liu Yu,当故事变成洪水
Liu Yu, If Narratives Become the Great Flood

文化创造院, 综合3馆 / 综合4馆

版权所有(C) 国立亚洲文化殿堂保留所有权利

韩国光州广域市东区文化殿堂路38号 (邮编)61485


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  1. 이름: [미등록]
  2. 연락처: [미등록]
  3. 주소: [미등록]