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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center

Announcement of the Final List for the ACC_R Residency 2021


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Announcement of the Final List for the ACC_R Residency 2021
ACI is delighted to announce the Final list of selected participants for ACC_R Residencies program.

1. Final List for Selected Participants

최종선정자의 레지던시명, 세부분야, 지원자명, 식별번호(연락처 뒤4자리)를 나타낸 표
Program Subcategory Name of Applicant Identification Number
ACC_R Creators Emerging Creator 김○별 9572
Creator 류○립 2801
이○리 2111
조○연 9958
ACC_R Dialogue Technological Research 허○훈 6188
Artist Research 유○주 1681
Thematic Research 박○희 8401
이○석 5690
ACC Asia Dance Community Choreographer LAB 박○라 4583
윤○은 5610
이○승 7313
허○경 2023
※ Please note that the residency schedule and details will be notified by the contact on the application form

2. Inquiries

레지던시명과 연락처 관련문의 정보를 나타낸 표
Program E-mail / Tel
ACC_R Creators jang.mihyun@aci-k.kr / 062-601-4555
ACC_R Dialogue hhk@aci-k.kr / 062-601-4724
ACC Asia Dance Community Choreographer LAB asiacomm@aci-k.kr / 062-601-4475

Copyright(C) National Asian Culture Center. All rights reserved

38 Munhwajeondang-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61485, Republic of Korea