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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center

국립아시아문화전당을 중심으로 3개의 주차장이 있습니다. 국립아시아문화전당의 북서쪽 남원추어탕 건너편에 A주차장, 남동쪽 광주대항외과의원 건너편에 B주차장, 북동쪽 쌍광상회 건너편에 ACC부설주차장 국립아시아문화전당을 중심으로 3개의 주차장이 있습니다. 국립아시아문화전당의 북서쪽 남원추어탕 건너편에 A주차장, 남동쪽 광주대항외과의원 건너편에 B주차장, 북동쪽 쌍광상회 건너편에 ACC부설주차장

Operation Information

A,B,부설주차장 운영 안내
Parking Lot Operating Hours Closed Days
Parking Lots A and B08:00–22:00January 1, regular closure days on Mondays
Affiliated Parking Lot07:00–24:00Open year-round
※ Vehicles cannot exit outside of operating hours.

Parking Lot Information

주차장 안내. 국립아시아문화전당 주차장 장소 및 주차대수 안내
Parking Lot Venue No. of Parking Spaces Parking Levels
Parking Lot ANear the ACC Theater275 spaces for small vehiclesB1–B3
Parking Lot BNear the ACC Children249 spaces for small vehiclesB3–B4
Affiliated Parking Lot Near Hanul Madang 557 spaces for small vehicles,
45 spaces for medium and large buses

Parking Fee Information

이용요금 안내. 국립아시아문화전당 주차장 이용요금 안내
Category Time Small Vehicles (15 passengers or fewer) Medium/Large Vehicles (16 passengers or more)
Basic Fare30 minKRW 800KRW 1,600
Additional FarePer 15 minKRW 400KRW 800
Daily Fare24 hrKRW 15,000KRW 30,000
※ Free for vehicles exiting within 30 min of entry
※ Additional fees will apply if vehicles do not exit within 30 min after payment.

Payment Information

요금정산 안내. 국립아시아문화전당 주차장 요금정산 안내
Payment Locations Location Payment Methods
Manned Payment BoothParking Lot ExitCard, Cash
Unmanned Exit Payment KioskParking Lot ExitCard
Prepayment KioskInside the Parking LotCard

Discount and Deduction Information

요금할인. 국립아시아문화전당 주차장 요금할인 안내
Type Eligibility Required Documentation Remarks
3 Hr Discount Paid Activity Usage at the ACC (performances, exhibitions, experiences, etc.)
  • Ticket
  • Parking Voucher
  • Duplicate discounts for the same activity are not allowed.
1 Hr Discount
  • Usage of Partner Stores at the ACC
  • Usage of Stores Located within the ACC
  • (Applicable for purchases worth over KRW 5,000 at food and beverage facilities, shops, etc.)
Preregistration of Store Used Required ※ Receipts cannot be used as proof.
  • Limited to passenger vehicles only
  • Limited to stores within the ACC; up to 2 hr of combined discounts allowed for multiple store usage
50% Discount
  • Persons with disabilities, persons of national merit (and their bereaved families)
  • Compact cars
  • Environmentally friendly vehicles (including low-emission and Class 3 vehicles)
Required Documentation
  • If the discount cannot be applied at a prepayment kiosk, it can be verified and applied at a manned payment booth with supporting documentation.
  • ※ Vehicles for persons with disabilities must display the appropriate label.
  • ※ Environmentally friendly vehicles must have identifiable exterior markings and display the appropriate label.
※ Discounts are limited to the day of use, and duplicate discounts for the same eligibility type are not allowed.

Affiliated Parking Lot Long-Term Parking Application Guide

부설주차장 정기주차 신청안내. 국립아시아문화전당 부설주차장 월 정기주차 신청안내
Target Passenger vehicles (15 passengers or fewer) / Medium and large vehicles (16 passengers or more)
Usage Period 1 month (can be extended up to 1 year)
Fare KRW 100,000 / KRW 200,000
Payment Payments must be made in advance at the reception desk before the expiration of the usage period (cash or card accepted).
Reception Desk Bus fee payment booth and management office at the affiliated parking lot (08:00–19:00)
How to apply Fill out the application form, and visit the reception desk. Download the application form. 
Required Documents
  • Vehicle registration certificate and proof of family relationship (if the vehicle belongs to a family member of the applicant)
  • Rental car lease agreement or accident repair documentation (for replacing a damaged vehicle)
  • Lease usage confirmation or lease agreement (for leased vehicles)
  • Certificate of employment (for company vehicles)
  • Other documentation supporting discount eligibility
Discount Eligibility (50%)
  • Welfare vehicles (for persons with disabilities, persons of national merit and their bereaved families)
  • Compact cars with engine displacement under 1,000 cc
  • Environmentally friendly vehicles
Inquiries External Regular Pass Guide + 062-601-4160
※ The parking pass cannot be transferred or lent to others. Misuse may result in the suspension of the pass.
※ Following parking lot operations, applications may close early or incur extended waiting periods.
※ Vehicles with parking passes do not have designated parking spaces, and inconvenience may be experienced, such as waiting when the parking lot is full.
※ Parking fees are paid monthly. If payment is not received within one month after the usage period expires, the pass will be automatically terminated.

Copyright(C) National Asian Culture Center. All rights reserved

38 Munhwajeondang-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61485, Republic of Korea


웹진 구독하기

개인정보 수집 및 활용 동의가 필요합니다.


  1. 1. 수집이용목적: ‘웹진ACC’ 발송
  2. 2. 수집항목: 이메일 주소
  3. 3. 보유(이용)기간: 2년
  4. 4. 동의거부에 따른 불이익:
    개인정보 수집 동의를 거부하실 수 있습니다. 다만,
    동의하지 않을 경우 ‘웹진ACC’를 받아보실 수 없습니다.
    개인정보는 위 수집·이용 목적 이외의 다른 목적으로 사용하지 않습니다.

웹진을 포함한 국립아시아문화전당(ACC) DM발송은 ACC홈페이지 회원가입을 통해 받아보실 수 있습니다.

ACC 집콕꾸러미 온라인 이벤트

확인된 정보가 일치하는지 확인하여 주시고 참여해주시기 바랍니다.


  1. 이름: [미등록]
  2. 연락처: [미등록]
  3. 주소: [미등록]