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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center


ACC exhibitionsreflect the spirit of the times based on the regional identity of Gwangju, the birthplace of democracy and human rights, to which people of the world can relate. Various exhibitions that make use of artistic media converged with technology are featured based on creativity, innovation, and professionalism, sharing the potential of contemporary arts with the audience. The ACC is expanding its position globally as a major platform of international exhibitions connecting regions, Asia, and the world. We are putting our utmost effort to ceaselessly produce exhibitions that people of the world can enjoy.

Permanent Exhibition

Permanent exhibitions of the ACC are featured in Spaces 1 and 2 of ACC Creation and the Permanent Exhibition Hall of ACC Archive & Research. Permanent exhibitions refer to exhibitions that are displayed for an extended period of time with the same theme and content. The representative content of ACC are introduced in this form of exhibition.

Spaces 1 and 2 of ACC Creation feature original content that converge arts with technology, exhibiting the idea and culture of Asia for the spread of the Asian culture. Through contemporary studies and interpretation of the cultural value of Asia, we intend to develop the ACC as the foothold of spreading the culture of Asia by visualizing the expandability of museography based on analog and digital connection.

The permanent exhibitions of the Asia Culture Museum largely consists of an archive-based permanent exhibition under the theme of "Testimony of Asian Identity and Experience Created by Modern and Contemporary Asians," permanent exhibition content ACCex providing an access to digital archive, and 360° Circle in Asia created by converging new technologies.

Special Exhibition

The ACC selects themes that reflect the main issues of times and holds separate exhibitions based on them each year. The main theme of 2023 is "Urban culture."

Special exhibitions of the ACC are formed in 5 exhibition projects: 1) ACC Special Exhibition Focus, 2) ACC Special Exhibition Context, 3) ACC Special Exhibition Prism, 4) ACC Outdoor Exhibition, and 5) Asia Culture Museum Special Exhibition.

1) ACC Special Exhibition Focus
ACC Focus is a contemporary visual art exhibition composed of various media that test the boundaries of genres by exploring contemporary themes faced by Asia and the world.
2) ACC Special Exhibition Context
ACC Context is a contemporary visual art exhibition that develops and introduces content on contemporary culture and art research of Asia.
3) ACC Special Exhibition Prism
ACC Prism is a visual art exhibition that helps the audience understand Asia from various angles through exchanges of domestic and international artists and institutions, centering on Asia in particular.
4) ACC Outdoor Exhibition
ACC Outdoor Exhibition is a public-friendly exhibition installed at the outdoor park of the ACC and produced as a part of the ACC’s policy to boost cultural activities at night.
5) Asia Culture Museum Special Exhibition
It is a special exhibition held in the Asia Culture Museum's Special Exhibition Hall with its collection, research results, and archives.

ACC Residency Result

ACC Residency (ACC_R) is a platform for production and research to support professionals, researchers, and producers that can develop futuristic and innovative ideas to converge artistic creativity with technology.
ACC_R Result exhibitions develop every year with a new theme, sharing the achievements of participants, including exhibitions and performances, with the public.

Lab Project

Lab Project is a presentation in a form of various showcase and festivals that share the outcomes of the research and development of content converging arts with cultural technology.
The Lab Project is operated in 3 sections: New-technology Based Content Lab that develops futuristic content coping with cultural changes and technological development, Experimental Film Lab that brings down the barriers that divide generations and genres, and Media Art Lab that demonstrates the potential as public arts through the production of audiovisual content using ACC spaces and facilities. The outcomes of the in-depth research and experiments of the Lab Project are introduced annually through the ACT Festival and International Bad Film Festival.

Featured Exhibition

Featured exhibitions are organized apart from the special exhibitions of the ACC, promoted by the cooperation of related organizations of home and abroad. The exhibition held in cooperation with Gwangju Biennale and invitational exhibitions of overseas organizations are some examples.

Online Exhibition

Online exhibitions are prepared for the public to enjoy exhibitions without having to personally visit the ACC. VR exhibitions, visual aids related to exhibitions, exhibition guides, interviews, lectures, and academic debates are available online.

Loaned Exhibition

Loaned exhibitions are held in Space 5 and 6 of ACC Creation. Individuals or groups who wish to loan the site for an exhibition may contact the Planning and Operating Division of the ACC.

Copyright(C) National Asian Culture Center. All rights reserved

38 Munhwajeondang-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61485, Republic of Korea


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