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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center

2024 National Asian Culture Center (ACC) Culture Education Programs


연번, 일자, 공연, 장르, 상영시간을 나타낸 표

Category Venue Program Titles Date/Time Description
Culture Education Hall (B2), Asia Culture Museum ACC Asia Culture & Arts Experience Apr–May /
This hands-on program celebrates the unique cultures of different cities across Asia, furthering participants’ understanding of the value of cultural diversity in Asia.
Culture Education Hall (B2), Asia Culture Museum ACC
Asia Specialized Education
Apr–Jul /
Through collaboration with relevant organizations, this innovative program utilizes the ACC’s resources to help participants understand the value of traditional cultures in Asia.
Culture Education Hall (B2), Asia Culture Museum ACC
Community Education
(1H 2024) /
(2H 2024)
In this program, the ACC collaborates with local organizations to provide various experiences featuring Asian culture and art to disadvantaged groups.
Culture Education Halls 4 and 5 (B4), ACC Archive & Research Themed Course Apr–Nov Learn from Experts: Knowing
ACC Exhibits Better
Theater 3 (B3), ACC Archive & Research Humanities Courses Mar–Nov These open lecture programs invite renowned experts to talk about contemporary art exhibits and key themes of the ACC.
Atelier 2, ACC Theater,
and other locations
ACC Movement Therapy Mar–Nov (Partnership Program) This workshop helps participants heal inner wounds and painful memories by engaging in the movement of their bodies and learning how to relax them.
Culture Education Hall 5 (B4), ACC Archive & Research ACC Mind Healing Sep–Nov (Partnership Program) This creative workshop assists participants in addressing inner conflicts and returning to their daily lives by expressing themselves through art.
Culture Education Hall 4 (B4), ACC Archive & Research Asia Culture Museum Exhibition Tie-In Programs Feb. 1 (THU) Salam, Hijab Tie-In: Understanding Clothing Culture in West Asia
Culture Education Hall 4 (B4), ACC Archive & Research Asia Culture Museum Exhibition Tie-In Programs Apr–Nov Monsoon Opens up the World: Permanent Exhibition Workshop
Culture Education Hall 4 (B4), ACC Archive & Research ACC Collection Tie-in Education Program Apr–Nov Asia Culture Museum Collection Series Workshop
Culture Education Hall 4 (B4), ACC Archive & Research Asia Culture Museum Research Project Tie-in Education Program Apr–Jun Asia Culture Research Theme (Prenatal Education) Lecture
Culture Education Hall 4 (B4), ACC Archive & Research Asia Culture Museum Research Project Tie-in Education Program Sep–Dec Asia Culture Research Theme (Prenatal Education) Lecture
Culture Education Hall 4 (B4), ACC Archive & Research Museum Walk Mar–Jun /
/ Sep–Dec
Lectures on cultures from different parts of Asia
International Conference Room Sample Lecture: ACC Professional Training Program Mar
This program outlines the annual curriculum of Content Discovery/Execution in 2024 and the status and prospect of converged metaverse content.
Non-face-to-face event Content Discovery Part 1
*Basic (theoretical) course
Apr–May Basic/theoretical training featuring ACC content
*To be provided in collaboration with Yonsei University
ACT Studio and other locations Content Discovery Part 2
*Technical (practical) workshop training
Jul–Aug Practical training courses in specific fields
Asia Culture Museum, ACC Archive & Research, and other locations Content Discovery Part 3
*On-the-job training (internship)
Sep–Dec ACC Department – Course Site
Asia Culture Museum, ACC Archive & Research, and other locations Content Execution 2
*Activity team
Voluntary participation; assists with content execution
(In-depth course on content development)
Culture Education Hall 2 (B2), ACC Archive & Research Job Exploration – Short Course Apr–Nov
(Thursday, 4th week of each month)  
This program explores new jobs through lectures from experts featuring cultural content issues.
Culture Education Hall (B2), ACC Archive & Research, and other locations Job Exploration – Long Course Apr–Nov An introductory course for aspiring professionals emphasizing convergence
Culture Education Hall, ACC Archive & Research, and other locations Competency Building Program Mar–Nov This competency-building program helps creative producers keep up with the swift changes in creative concepts and familiarize themselves with emerging technologies (media).
Culture Education Hall 4 (B4), ACC Archive & Research Office of Education Partnership Programs Jul–Aug Job training programs featuring ACC content to fulfill education needs at the Office of Education
International Conference Room, ACC Archive & Research
International Conference Room
ACC Cultural Education Alumni Meeting Dec A networking meeting for people who completed or are interested in ACC cultural education programs
International Conference Room and other locations ACC Adolescents Group Education Apr–May /
Culture and arts experiential programs for adolescent groups
Culture Education Hall 1 (B2), ACC Archive & Research ACC Adolescents
Professional Training Education
[After school]
[Summer vacation]
In-depth culture and arts education programs for job exploration featuring ACC content
Culture Education Hall 1 (B2), ACC Archive & Research ACC Exhibition Tie-in Education Feb An art experience program for exploring jobs featuring ACC exhibition content
Multi-Purpose Studio (B4), ACC Creation ACC Adolescents
Creativity Workshop
Aug/Nov A culture and arts experience program utilizing ACC infrastructure
International Education Cooperation
ACC and other locations International (New/Junior) Professionals Cultural Technology Training Sep A workshop for new/junior-level professionals in other countries (invitational program)
International (Partner) Personnel Exchange / Competency Building Workshop Jul A workshop for personnel exchange / competency building between the ACC and culture and art organizations abroad (invitational program)
ACC Official Development Assistance (ODA) Partner Professional Competency-Building Workshop Apr A competency-building and pilot training program for professionals at ACC ODA partners
※ The above programs are subject to change.

Copyright(C) National Asian Culture Center. All rights reserved

38 Munhwajeondang-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61485, Republic of Korea


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