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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center

About the Facilities

  • Location38 Munhwajeondang-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju Metropolitan City
  • Site Area110,243㎡ (Center 96,036㎡, Outdoor Parking 14,207㎡)
  • Floor Area156,817㎡(Center 139,342㎡, Outdoor Parking 17,475㎡)
  • Construction Area22,324㎡
  • Height4 stories above ground, 4 stories underground (highest point: 20.3 m)
  • StructurePC-Concrete, Reinforced Concrete, and Steel Frame
  • DesignWu Gyuseung (KSWA), Samoo Architects & Engineers, Heerim Architects & Planners
  • Construction · Building, civil engineering, and landscaping : Daelim Industrial · Machinery and machinery firefighting : Sebang Tec · Electric and electric firefighting : Samwon Electric Power and Doosan Engineering & Construction · Communication : Hangil Telecomm
  • UsageCulture and assembly facility
  • Building-to-land ratio21.8%
  • Floor area ratio11.13%
  • Elevators25 passenger elevators, 3 cargo elevators
  • Heat sourceAbsorption water heater
  • Current capacity10,000KVA
Design Concept

The Forest of LightMemories

Memories of the day are enhanced by the geometry and layout of the ACC. As an extension for urban pedestrians, the rooftop garden is joined by the historic sites of the May 18 Democratic Uprising to form a 100,000 ㎡ public landscaping space at the city center. The historic buildings serve as centers for citizens and visitors. Culture mediates between the past and the future, the center and the peripheral, and the inside and the outside. These are the basic ideas that form the basis for ACC facilities, of which the main function is to create and exhibit new cultural content. From a larger perspective, the ACC is a local center that promotes and mediates cultural rituals across Asia. The new landscaping is welcomed by neighbors and the city itself as a symbol of democracy for the local community. The facilities pay tribute to the uprising and embrace transparency and light as symbols of the future of Gwangju and Asia.

  • Space and LightUtilization of Nature
    The design of the ACC draws on nature as a conduit for spiritual connection with nature and the City of Light, Gwangju. Natural light accentuates the spatial structure of the center and the peripheral and induces the connection between the rooftop garden and the plaza. The light wells in the garden serve two purposes. During the day, it delivers natural light to various spaces underground. In the evening, the wells become lighting “crystals” that emit light from inside the building like so many soft-lit torches that breathe life into the garden. The wells exceeding a certain height are made of thin glass and special double-layer covers. During the day, they reflect natural light to the spaces below and, at night, disperse the light from floodlights in the building. The glass light wells take the shape of sloped cubes with covers. Each cube is made up of four vertical glass panels. It disperses artificial light at night, as well as natural light, and hides the ventilation systems.
  • Framework and InfillPreparation for Changes in Technologies and the Future
    The ACC’s structure is habitable, adaptable, and changeable. This “framework and infill” strategy allows for flexible adaptation to coming changes. In addition, with changes in the mode of cultural production and the nature of performance, changes in program categories will transform the center’s shape and adjust its spaces. The ACC will be designed to accommodate changes in seasonal events, festivals, markets, and gatherings both indoors and outdoors. The internal long-span spaces encompassing two stories can be adapted to the needs of their users. They can be used for both small- and large-scale projects. Depending on the future development of programs and changes in their nature, the spatial boundaries and characteristics can be adjusted in accordance with technological advancements and future changes in people’s needs.
New Downtown Sceneries“ Boosting Social Communication ”
The rooftop garden, which boasts world-class landscaping facilities, embodies the spirit of civic participation and social communication rooted in the May 18 Democratic Uprising. As an open space located at the center of the city, it pays tribute to the people who sacrificed themselves, human rights, and peace. It also achieves open communication, access, transparency, and widespread participation.Each building of the ACC contains various landscaping elements tailored to its shape and functions. The elements include parks, plazas, forests, play areas, grasslands, and courtyards. Their designs were inspired by Korea’s traditional gardens, and the elements are made up of Korean’s indigenous trees and materials, which accentuate the local characteristics.
  1. 01

    The first construction project in Korea to build a 24-meter pillarless structure for large-scale exhibitions

    Two 12-meter PC beams were attached and connected using the Post-Tension method to create a large scale exhibition space.

    • 24M SPAN P.T, 시스템 비계 설치
    • 10 SPAN PLANK, 보와의 걸침턱 75MM 유지
    • 24M P.T 보 상부는 다른 부위보다 900MM 더 두껍게 타설, 인장 정착구, 고정 정착구
    • 24M SPAN P.T보, 일반 구형 P.S 보, 인장 정착구, 고정 정착구, 단면 개념도
    • 기둥, 인장 작업 완료 후 해체
  2. 02

    Spaces separated with self-standing retaining walls with the Earth Anchor method

    Unlike other buildings, the retaining walls and the buildings are separated, and the Bamboo Garden has been built in the space between them.

    • Left : Retaining walls in place
    • Center : Bamboo Garden
    • Right : ACC
    대나무 정원
  3. 03

    A rainwater storage system with a 2,500 t capacity

    The system is capable of pumping out rainwater and stop flooding within 30 min even in case of heavy rain exceeding 170 mm per hour

    우수저류 시스템 도식화 이미지
  4. 04

    Energy consumption reduced by photovoltaic power generation and geothermal systems

    The ACC runs a large photovoltaic power generation structure. The building represents a new concept of a power generation facility and gives a sense of weight to the building. The space below is used as a rest spot.

    신개념 태양광 발전 구조물
    냉각탑 - 냉각수 - 흡수식냉온수시(88%) - 냉온수 - 일반공조기, FUU, 컨백터. 지열시스템(12%) - 냉온지열 - 지열히트펌프- 냉온수 - 슬라브 복사냉난방

    The system uses underground heat to increase heat exchange efficiency and reduce energy consumption (12% of the total heat source comes from underground heat).

  5. 05

    An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system capable of supplying power around the clock

    • 부하, 중장변전소, 소태변전소
      Phase 1
      Stabilize the power supply with the 2-way current.
    • 6,000KVA(상용), 6,000KVA(상용), 6,000KVA(예비)
      Phase 2
      Install additional transformers to allow for uninterrupted power supply in case of failure of the main transformer.
    • 1,500KVA, 1,500KVA
      Phase 3
      Prepare against power outage at Korea Electric Power Corporation with an emergency generator (3,000 kw).
    • 무정전전원장치 도식화 이미지
      Phase 4
      Set up a UPS to supply power to key facilities.
  6. 06

    A water treatment system to recycle drain water and wastewater for use at restrooms and landscaping

    중수처리시스템 도식화 이미지

    With a daily capacity of around 400 t, the system can recycle 150,000 t of water per year.

  7. 07

    With a daily capacity of around 400 t, the system can recycle 150,000 t of water per year.

    • Water-cooled slab. 도식화 이미지슬Slab radiation heating (double slab diffuser)
    • Diffuser installation

Copyright(C) National Asian Culture Center. All rights reserved

38 Munhwajeondang-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61485, Republic of Korea


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  1. 이름: [미등록]
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