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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center

Announcement of final selected candidates for the ACC International Theater Residency 2024


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Announcement of final selected candidates for the ACC International Theater Residency 2024
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the applicants who showed interest in ACC International Theater Residency 2024.
We are pleased to announce the final selection results for the ACC international Theater Residency 2024 as follows.

□ Selection Result

채용분야, 채용인원, 담당업무, 근무지역 안내
Category No. Name of Applicant
Creator A000045 김*연, 류*립
Playwright A000024 송*은

□ Inquiry

  • Email: syyang86@korea.kr, moon30009@korea.kr
  • Phone: +82 (0)62-601-4460, 4476

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