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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center

“Inconvenient” Convenience Store, “Convenient” Book Talk / Illustration Exhibition of “Uncanny Convenience Store”

The Asia Culture Center (ACC) Library invites Kim Ho-yeon, author of the K-healing novel “Uncanny Convenience Store,” to hold the ACC Library and Story: “Inconvenient” Convenience Store, “Convenient” Book Talk. Moreover, it introduces the original works of illustrator Ban Zi-su, focusing on the Four Seasons edition of the book cover, through the ACC Library Mini Original Artworks Exhibition: Illustration Exhibition of “Uncanny Convenience Store.”

“Inconvenient” Convenience Store, “Convenient” Book Talk / Illustration Exhibition of “Uncanny Convenience Store”
  • DateBook Talk: Apr. 13, 2024 (SAT) / Original Artworks Exhibition: Apr. 9, 2024 (TUE) – Jun. 9, 2024 (SUN)
  • TimeBook Talk: 14:00 / Original Artworks Exhibition: 10:00–18:00 (TUE–SUN), 10:00–20:00 (WED and SAT) ※ Closed every Monday
  • PlaceBook Talk: Theater 3 of ACC Archive & Research / Original Artworks Exhibition: Event Hall of ACC Archive & Research Library
  • Age LimitBook Talk: Open to ages 7 and above / Original Artworks Exhibition: Open to all ages
  • Price Free
  • TicketBook Talk: Advance application on the website / Original Artworks Exhibition: Free viewing
  • Contact+82-1899-5566

ACC Library and Story
“Inconvenient” Convenience Store, “Convenient” Book Talk / Illustration Exhibition of “Uncanny Convenience Store”
The library of Asia Culture Center (ACC) invites Kim Ho-yeon, author of the K-healing novel “Uncanny Convenience Store”, to hold ACC Library and Story: “Uncanny Convenience Store”, “Convenient” Book Talk.
In addition, it introduces the original works of illustrator Ban Zi-su, focusing on the Four Seasons edition of the cover, through ACC Library Mini Original Artworks Exhibition: Illustration Exhibition of “Uncanny Convenience Store”.
Full schedule
날짜, 테마, 주제, 강연자로 나열된 표
Event name Schedule Venue Description
ACC Library and Story
“Inconvenient” Convenience Store, “Convenient” Book Talk
Apr. 13, 2024 (SAT), 14:00 Theater 3
A book talk by author Kim Ho-yeon on “A Novelist’s Life and Cultural Contents Storytelling”
The signing event will be held for the first 30 people who bring the author’s book.
Prizes will be awarded to 10 people through a draw after the event.
ACC Library Mini Original Artworks Exhibition:
Illustration Exhibition of “Uncanny Convenience Store”
Apr. 9, 2024 (TUE) – Jun. 9, 2024 (SUN) Event Hall of the ACC Library
Original Artworks Exhibition focusing on the four seasons edition of “Uncanny Convenience Store” by illustrator Ban Zi-su
Author Introduction
Book TalkAuthor Kim Ho-yeon
Author Kim Ho-yeon won the World Literary Award for Excellence in 2013 for “Mangwon-dong Brothers,” and his book “Uncanny Convenience Store” set a sales record of 1.5 million copies for volumes 1 and 2 and has currently been translated and published in 21 countries, including the United States, France, Spain, and Japan.
Mini Original Artworks Exhibition Illustrator Ban Zi-su
Illustrator Ban Zi-su has created numerous book covers, including “Uncanny Convenience Store” and “Kitchen of Books,” and is active in various fields, including movie posters, comics, and animation.

Copyright(C) National Asian Culture Center. All rights reserved

38 Munhwajeondang-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61485, Republic of Korea


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  2. 연락처: [미등록]
  3. 주소: [미등록]