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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center

ACC Walk: Green & Green

Feel the season at the National Asian Culture Center with a guided tour of the flowers and plants of ACC

ACC Walk: Green & Green
  • DateMay 22 (WED) – Jul. 13 (SAT), 2024 *Every Wednesday and Saturday
  • TimeWednesday 17:00–19:00
    Saturday 10:30–12:30, 17:00–19:00
  • Place(Tour start) Outdoor Tourist Information Center, Visitor Center
    (Experience program site) Yeolin Madang Crape Myrtle Forest
    *May be changed to ACC Creation Bamboo Garden depending on weather conditions
  • Age LimitAbove 8 years of age
  • Seating20 people (10 teams)
    *Hanging plant–making experience is conducted in teams of two
  • Price KRW 5,000
  • TicketWebpage / On-site booking (Only available for remaining slots)
  • Contact+82-1899-5566, tyche7@korea.kr

2024 National Asian Culture Center Seasonal Tour Program
ACC Walk: Green & Green
Feel the season at the National Asian Culture Center with a guided tour of the flowers and plants of ACC
Feel the verdant life of spring and early summer with a walk along the flowers and plants of the ACC
and green experience programs!
  • ACC Walk:
    Green & Green
    Approx. 40 minutes
  • Planting & macramé
    hanging planter-making
    Flowers and plant material bundle
    Approx. 80 minutes
* Please note that experience programs are rotated on a weekly basis. Refer to the detailed schedule to find the experience program for that week.
Detailed Schedule

No, 곡명, 작곡가로 나열된 표

Date Time Experience Program
May 22 (WED) / 25 (SAT) (WED) 17:00–19:00
(SAT) 10:30–12:30
(SAT) 17:00–19:00
Planting and macramé hanging planter–making
May 29 (WED) / Jun. 1 (SAT) Bundle-making using flowers and plant materials
Jun. 5 (WED) / 8 (SAT) Planting and macramé hanging planter–making
Jun. 12 (WED) / 15 (SAT) Bundle-making using flowers and plant materials
Jun. 19 (WED) / 22 (SAT) Planting and macramé hanging planter–making
Jun. 26 (WED) / 29 (SAT) Bundle-making using flowers and plant materials
Jul. 3 (WED) / 6 (SAT) Planting and macramé hanging planter–making
Jul. 10 (WED) / 13 (SAT) Bundle-making using flowers and plant materials
※ The program may be subject to change.
Tour Route

No, 곡명, 작곡가로 나열된 표

Category Movement
May 22 (WED) – Jun. 8 (SAT) ⓘ Outdoor Tourist Information Center
Exit 3 of Culture Complex Station, Gwangju Metro

Sangsang Madang → ACC Culture Exchange → Plaza Bridge → Yeolin Madang

Jun. 12 (WED) – Jul. 13 (SAT) ⓘ Visitor Center

Asia Culture Plaza → Underground Green Island → Butterfly Fountain → Yeolin Madang

※ Routes differ according to the blooming period of flowers and types
Experience Program
Green & Green in My Room ACC Hanging Plant–Making
May 22 (WED), May 25 (SAT), Jun. 5 (WED), Jun. 8 (SAT), Jun. 19 (WED), Jun. 22 (SAT), Jul. 3 (WED), Jul. 6 (SAT)
  • Plant the green plants found in ACC gardens into upcycled planters
  • Turn the planter into a hanging planter using the macramé knotting technique
  • * This experience is conducted in teams of two. Participants without a partner will be matched randomly with other participants to form the groups on-site.
Green & Green Flower and Plant Material Bundle-Making Bundle-making using flowers and plant materials
May 29 (WED), Jun. 1 (SAT), Jun. 12 (WED), Jun. 15 (SAT), Jun. 26 (WED), Jun. 29 (SAT), Jul. 10 (WED), Jul. 13 (SAT)
  • Combine the spring and summer flowers with plant materials sourced from plants within the ACC to create a green bundle that captures the verdant life of the season
  • ※ Green bundle: A bundle of plants made with plant materials used to create a flower bouquet
  • ※ In “ACC Walk: Green & Green,” the experience will feature a bundle made out of green plant materials.
  • Up to 4 slots can be reserved by one applicant (up to 20 participants per session on a first-come, first-served basis, 10 teams in total)
  • ※ As the Hanging Plant-Making experience is conducted in teams of two, we ask the participants to reserve their slots in teams of two.
  • Booking at ACC Website ※ On-site registration available for remaining slots
  • Bookings for the first session will open at 14:00, May 14, 2024 (TUE). Further bookings will be opened consecutively every two weeks.
  • First BookingStarts at 14:00, May 14, 2024 (TUE) [for May 22 (WED), May 25 (SAT), May 29 (WED), Jun. 1 (SAT) sessions *Total of six sessions]
  • Second BookingStarts at 10:00, May 28, 2024 (TUE) [for Jun. 5 (WED), Jun. 8 (SAT), Jun. 12 (WED), Jun. 15 (SAT) sessions *Total of six sessions]
  • Third BookingStarts at 10:00, Jun. 11, 2024 (TUE) [for Jun. 19 (WED), Jun. 22 (SAT), Jun. 26 (WED), Jun. 29 (SAT) sessions *Total of six sessions]
  • Fourth BookingStarts at 10:00, Jun. 25, 2024 (TUE) [for Jul. 3 (WED), Jul. 6 (SAT), Jul. 10 (WED), Jul. 13 (SAT) sessions *Total of six sessions]
  • KRW 5,000 per slot
  • This program combines a guided tour through the ACC and an experience program held afterward.
  • Program bookings are verified at a location announced via text 20 minutes prior to the start of the program.
  • We ask our visitors to arrive at the starting point at least 10 minutes before the start of the tour, as it may be difficult to join the tour after it starts.
  • Participants must be aged 8 or older.
  • Please note that the ACC does not accept on-site requests for ticket refunds, cancelations, or changes on the event date.
  • The tour schedule may change depending on the situation.
  • Please note that the tour will be photographed and filmed for recording and promotion purposes.

Copyright(C) National Asian Culture Center. All rights reserved

38 Munhwajeondang-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61485, Republic of Korea


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  2. 2. 수집항목: 이메일 주소
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웹진을 포함한 국립아시아문화전당(ACC) DM발송은 ACC홈페이지 회원가입을 통해 받아보실 수 있습니다.

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