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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center

2020 ACC Gwangju-Asia Artists Exhibition < UN·TACT >

The ACC has put together a program featuring seven young artists and their artistic comments on “un·tact” culture. The 2020 ACC Gwangju-Asia Artists Exhibition < UN·TACT > highlights the changes in daily experiences brought on by the global COVID-19 pandemic, and the light and dark sides of the new non-face-to-face, or “un·tact.” lifestyle, through the eyes of the seven artists. Through the works of these artists from Korea, China, Japan, and Taiwan, the exhibition creates a forum for reflecting on the post-COVID-19 world while simultaneously seeking the possibilities of the “new normal” of un·tact life and culture, which features both convenient disconnect and expanded communication.

2020 ACC Gwangju-Asia Artists Exhibition < UN·TACT >
  • DateOct. 15 (Thu), 2020–Mar. 14 (Sun), 2021
  • Time10:00 - 18:00
  • PlaceSpace 6
  • Age LimitAll ages
  • Price Free admission (online booking required)
  • TicketACC Website
  • Contact+82-1899-5566

The Asia Culture Center (ACC, Acting President Park Taeyoung) and the Asia Culture Institute (ACI, Director Lee Gipyo) prepared a special exhibition where young Asian artists share their artistic takes on the so-called “un·tact life and culture, which features both convenient disconnect and expanded communication.
Young Asian Artists’ Comment on Un·tact Culture
The term was coined in Korea by combining the word “contact” with the prefix “un,” which means negation or oppositeness. Its meaning encompasses the concepts of non-face-to-face and non-contact. Day in and day out, the new lifestyle tests the possibilities of a “new normal” amid the changes brought on by the global pandemic. In this exhibition, seven young artists with unique voices keenly respond to the rapid changes taking place in the here and now, and they present their projects as a forum for discussion and deliberation on our post-pandemic lives.
Young Artists from Gwangju, Beijing, Shanghai, Taipei, and Tokyo
Features ACC Commission Projects by Five of the Seven Artists
From October 15, 2020 to March 14, 2021, the ACC presents 2020 ACC Gwangju-Asia Artists Exhibition < UN·TACT >. The exhibition is a part of the center’s collaboration project aimed at promoting shared growth between the ACC and the local community. Launched in 2017, the project has experimented with various formats including solo exhibitions of established artists and exhibitions matching local artists with artists from other parts of Asia. In 2020, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the ACC organized a special exhibition featuring young and talented artists from Korea (Gwangju), China, Japan, and Taiwan.

The exhibition has brought together two Gwangju artists (b-cone and Haru.K), as well as Lu Yang (Shanghai), Miao Ying (Shanghai), Kato Tsubasa (Tokyo), Yang Xinguang (Beijing), and Zhang Xu Zhan (Taipei). The artists will offer their fresh takes and messages on the daily experiences and social life affected by the pandemic. The exhibition features twelve projects, including six projects commissioned by the ACC in 2020.

We at the ACC hope that the exhibition will encourage viewers and visitors to see the light and dark sides of the “un·tact” culture and life, seek out the possibilities of social distancing as convenient isolation and expanded communication, and create a new blueprint for the future. We also hope that the event contributes to fostering a safe and stable environment for cultural enjoyment despite the current crisis.
Featured Works
K Haru.K
Tsubasa KATO 加藤 翼
MIAO Ying 苗颖
YANG Xinguang 杨心广
ZHANG XU Zhan 張徐 展
 LU Yang 陆扬 
Place Info.

ACC Creation, Space 6

Copyright(C) National Asian Culture Center. All rights reserved

38 Munhwajeondang-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61485, Republic of Korea


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  1. 이름: [미등록]
  2. 연락처: [미등록]
  3. 주소: [미등록]