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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center

Cambodian Women: The Traditional Society and Forced Marriages Under Khmer Rouge

The Asia Culture Center (ACC)’s “Democracy, Human Rights, and Peace Special Exhibition” reflects on women’s rights in Asia. This year’s exhibition sheds light on the Khmer Rouge’s oppression and history of violence, such as forced marriages, against women and shares the survivors’ stories.

Cambodian Women: The Traditional Society and Forced Marriages Under Khmer Rouge
  • DateNovember 11, 2021 – February 28, 2022 (Thursday–Monday)
  • Time10:00 - 18:00
  • PlaceAsia Culture Museum Special Exhibition Room
  • Age LimitFor all ages
  • Price Free of charge
  • TicketFree admission
  • Contact+82-1899-5566

Cambodian Women: The Traditional Society and Forced Marriages Under Khmer Rouge
This exhibition highlights the transition from the traditional modes of marriage before the Khmer Rouge to the oppression and violence, such as forced marriages, that occurred during its rule (1975 onward).

It reflects on the lives and rights of Cambodian women, trampled under the civil war caused by ideological conflict and its resulting social revolution. In particular, the exhibition shares the stories of the survivors who had to endure the wounds inflicted upon them by history.

Furthermore, the exhibit also examines Cambodia’s social situation from 1975 to 1979, when the Khmer Rouge destroyed its traditions, norms, freedom, rights, and religious beliefs and the subsequent efforts to restore normalcy.

We hope that this exhibition incites our visitors to think about the effects of inhumane policies on the rights of all, including women, and the importance of democracy, human rights, and peace.
Space Plan
  • Room1 Cambodian women’s lives and traditional marriage
    The first part of the exhibition shows women’s central role in the traditional family of Cambodia and the changes brought about by modern and contemporary history. Furthermore, it also examines traditional marriage as the starting point of the home, society, and the nation, women’s status, and marriage in Khmer cultures.
  • Room2 Victims of forced marriages under Khmer Rouge
    The second part of the exhibition focuses on the socialist revolution led by the Khmer Rouge (Democratic Kampuchea) and the forced policies under its regime. In particular, it focuses on the forced marriage policy’s use to exploit labor and victims’ stories.
  • Room3Restoring the nation and women’s lives
    This part covers Cambodian society’s restoration after the fall of the Khmer Rouge government and the efforts to repair the status and lives of Cambodian women. By demonstrating the women’s efforts to restore the nation and government and social group actions to help the survivors, this exhibit invites the audience to consider the state’s role in preserving human rights.
  • Special Traditional marriage music
    Traditional music in Khmer culture is closely related to tradition, norms, beliefs, and religion. Marriage music, in particular, consists of tranquil and significant melodies that describe mundane life and impart wisdom to the couple.

    Moving typography
    A survivor’s decision to reveal his or her hidden wounds to the many people comfortable leaving the dark past behind is an act of true courage accompanied by horrible pain. If the victims had not testified, the truths would have stayed hidden. However, these unearthed truths will not be confined to Cambodia’s history. They will resonate with today’s international society, particularly those who received similar wounds in Gwangju.
Place Info.

ACC Archive&Research, Asia Culture Museum Special Exhibition Room

Copyright(C) National Asian Culture Center. All rights reserved

38 Munhwajeondang-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61485, Republic of Korea


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