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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center

2022 ACC Residency
2022 Posthuman: Story Telling for Earthly Survival

The ACC Residency Earth Survival Guide: Posthuman 2022 offers an opportunity to explore the spirit of a new era, ‘Posthumanism’, amid the pandemic and the crisis of the Anthropocene.

2022 ACC Residency 
<br>2022 Posthuman: Story Telling for Earthly Survival
  • DateDec.16, Fri. 2022 - 2.5, Sun. 2023.
  • Time(TUE–SUN) 10:00–18:00
    (WED, SAT) 10:00–20:00
    *Closed on Mondays
  • PlaceSpace 1
  • Age LimitAll ages
  • Price Free
  • TicketFree admission
  • Contact+82-1899-5566

2022 ACC Residency
2022 Posthuman: Story Telling for Earthly Survival
The ACC Residency Earth Survival Guide: Posthuman 2022 offers an opportunity to explore the spirit of a new era, ‘Posthumanism’, amid the pandemic and the crisis of the Anthropocene. The outbreak of COVID-19 and more evolved viruses has exposed the limitations of the anthropocentric mindset that considered humans as the only species capable of action, further confirmed by environmental pollution, climate crisis, and ecological issues. The cutting-edge technology of the 4th Industrial Revolution has turned such crises into an opportunity to create new modes of life, and provided a window into a posthuman reality where artificial intelligence is a world member. This exhibition is based on the thoughts and ideas shared during the four months of the residency program. Each artist will go beyond the anthropocentric humanism concerned with the convergence and boundary of humans, animals and machines, and with the question of how technological development will change the definition of ‘humans’, to play with their own imagination about a ‘posthumanism’ where humans and other organisms coexist. The works on display, which alter our sensations and bodies and suggest a new alliance between humans, nonhumans and hybrid beings, depict how advancements in biotechnology can lead to the breakdown of the boundary between these different organisms. The artists also envision the coevolution of humans and machines through works that began from their expectation that humans will one day exist in digital and mental form that is not restricted by their physical body, and deal with the critical posthumanism that connects man and technology. We imagine an open future in which all living things enjoy equal rights and live together in the era of the Anthropocene by building a new relationship of solidarity that transcends anthropocentricism. This exhibition calls for global coexistence and solidarity in the age of the pandemic and climate crisis, as well as an opportunity to share ideas about the practical applications of posthumanism that will lead us into the world of Sympoiesis (co-creation). It's time for us to put our heads together and think about the ‘planet earth’, which shares its right to life with human and nonhuman beings. Earth Survival Guide: Posthuman 2022 will explore the ethics of an era in which humans and nonhumans coexist on the same planet earth, and lead us to a future imaginary world where they try new forms of communication.
  • OpeningDec.15, Thu. 2022, 4pm / ACC Creation Space 1 Lobby
  • PeriodDec.16, Fri. 2022 - 2.5, Sun. 2023.
  • VenueACC Creation Space 1
2022 Asia Culture Center Residency
The Asia Culture Center (ACC) has been conducting residency programs since 2015 to support experts, researchers, artists and creators from different fields to develop future-oriented and innovative ideas through the artis. After becoming an integrated center in 2022, ACC launched a creation and production-centered residency program and selected remarkable artists with a view to creating convergence contents that reflect ACC’s vision. In particular, this exhibition will allow the 33 participants from 21 teams in 5 fields selected last September under the subject of “the Post COVID-19 Era and Post-humanism” to present the result of the work they have devoted themselves to for around four months through the ACC residency program ’s production process.
Displayed works
Art & Technology
Shailesh BR
Cloud Messenger, 2022
Synthetic thread, fan, aluminum plates, bell, motors, mixed media, variable installation
SLITSCOPE (Kim Jae Min, Kim KeunHyoung)
PoemTravel, 2022
AI, participatory project, data visualization, variable installation
Lingxiang Wu

The Labyrinth of Digital Bodies, 2022

Video installation, 3-channel video, VR, color, sound, wooden boxes,
dimensions variable Sound Design by Robert Schwarz
().(:) (Oliver Griem / Dahan)
Ghost Utopia, 2022
VR, 3-channel video, 3d printed figures, light, mixed media, variable installation
Music by Jimi Sert
Lee Inkang

Performing suit 01, 2022

Motors, battery, 3D printed PLA, mixed materials such as Raspberry Pi, variable installation
Chae Jonghyeok
Dynamic Consensus, 2022
Kinetic installation, motion graphic video, variable installation
Christian Dimpker
Light quartet “Die Zusammensetzung der Welt”, 2019
Microscope, video camera, dimmer, contact microphones, lights, polarization and color filters, specimens, TVs, projector, loudspeakers, audio interface, computer, variable installation
Visual Arts
Sue Jeong Ka
The Un/banned Image : A case of Manga, 2022
Smartboard, manga, search station, variable instatllation
Lumbera-Singh (Jim Jasper J. Lumbera/ Joey Alexis Singh)
The Floating Memorial, 2022
Live broadcast video, dimensions variable
vn-a&a (Arlette Quynh Anh Tran/ Architecture Studio vn-a)
PLATTENLOTUS, 2022-on going
Video, 6 minutes, color with sound, Site Specific multi-media installation, variable installation
Soh Boram
The Porous Material Conversion: C-Flex Incubator, 2022
Water tank, armchair, and mixed media, variable dimension
Lee Saem
The Sapiens Zoo, The translated Movements, 2022
2-channel video, monitor and stand, stereo speaker, variable installation
J.H.R (Jung Hyeryun/Kang Dae Woon)
Live like water, 2022
Round rear screen, projector, touch screen monitor, speaker, woofer, variable installation
One day, the lemon yellow disappeared, 2022
Single channel video, Web, 3D printed resin, PVC print, aluminum, vinyl, clay mixed with oil, lever scale, iPhone XR, variable installtion
korinsky/seo (Korinsky Carlo / Seo Sujin)
algal blooms, 2022
microalgae, glass, metal, clay, latex, silicone hose, air pump system, LED lights, 4-channel speakers 4 x 10 x 2.5 (h) m
Go Bohkyung
Coexistence, Material and Sense, 2022
Acrylic, silicone, polyurethane, variable installtion
Rodrigo Marín Briceño
BENDING THE LIMIT: A Series of Domestic Fictions, 2022
Video, mixed media(steel rebar, wood, clay, stainless steel, 3d printed plastic, electric wiring), variable dimensions
You Seunga
Mapping Posthuman body through Cyborg beings, 2022, Research
Graphic Design: Han Woozoo
Theater miin, Lucia Pineda, Lumbera-SinghJeong Seyoung / Lee Jaemin
ACC Roundtable <Imagining the Posthuman Body >
  • Date : Dec.16, Fri. 2022. 14:00~16:00
  • Venue : ACC Creation Space 1 Lobby
  • ContentsRelated to ACC Residency < Earth Survival Guide: Posthuman 2022 >, ACC Residency researcher You Seunga, who is participating in the 'dialogue' field, presents the research results and holds roundtable to explore a new brand of humanism under the subject 'the Post-COVID Era and Post-humanism'.
  • MethodApplication required on website Go to +
공연명, 일시, 관람등급, 좌석수, 진행, 장소를 나타낸 표
TIme Content Lecturer
14:00~14:05 5’ Opening and introductions Park sunhee
(Professor Dept. of Journalism Communications at Chosun University)
14:05~14:30 25‘ Keynote speech
“In the beginning, there was skin” : on the materiality of being a cyborg
Lim Soyeon
(Assistant Professor at Dong-A University, Ph.D. in Science & Technology Studies)
14:30~15:00 30‘ Research Presentation
<Mapping Posthuman body through Cyborg beings>
You Seunga
(Dialogue Researcher)
15:00~15:10 10‘ Project
<Joint research of motions based on wearable exoskeleton technology and data>
Lee Inkang
(Art & Technology Creator)
15:10~15:20 10‘ Project
<The Sapiens Zoo Preview>
Lee Same
(Visual Arts Creator)
15:20~15:30 10‘ Project
<Becoming spam or discards: exploring the self regarding bodies, technology, and the attention economy>
Lingxiang Wu
(Art & Technology Creator)
15:30~15:50 20‘ Q&A  
15:50~15:55 5‘ Closing Park sunhee
Place Info.

ACC Creation, Space 1

Copyright(C) National Asian Culture Center. All rights reserved

38 Munhwajeondang-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61485, Republic of Korea


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