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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center

Felt of Asia

This exhibition features carpets, clothes, and yurts of the felt culture representing the identity of Central Asia.

Felt of Asia
  • DateDec. 14, 2022 (Wed) – Mar. 26, 2023 (Mon)
  • Time(TUE–SUN) 10:00–18:00
    (WED, SAT) 10:00–20:00
    *Closed on Mondays
  • PlaceAsia Culture Museum
  • Price Free
  • TicketFree admission
  • Contact+82-1899-5566

ACC Special Exhibition
Felt of Central Asia
“Felt of Central Asia” intends to introduce the felt culture of Central Asia through carpets, clothing, and yurts.
Central Asia features high mountain ranges, plateaus, large deserts, and plains. Northern plains and mountainous regions feature nomadic culture, where the people move from one place to another looking for water and fields with livestock. Nomads produced different kinds of textiles with wool from camels, goats, and sheep that were easy to find. Among them, felt is a soft and thick textile material produced by adding moist, heat, and pressure on sheep wool. This excellent insulating material was greatly appropriate for nomads that had to survive harsh climates.
Felt is a cultural art representing the identity of Central Asia and a precious cultural heritage for humanity. We hope this exhibition gives you a deeper understanding on the Asian culture.
Traditional Felt Carpet
Nomads used carpets inside yurts to stay warm and beat the temperature difference between day and night and summer and winter. Felt carpets were fit to smooth out rugged grounds inside yurts and repel poisonous insects with the distinctive smell of sheep. They were also good decorations to cover the ground and separate spaces when hung on walls.
Different regions and ethnic groups had their own ways of making felt carpets, but they were always daily necessities and artwork for expressing the world of nomads. The appearance of synthetic textiles has put the tradition of making carpets in danger of extinction, but there are efforts to pass it on to the next generation.
Traditional Clothes
In different ethnic groups and regions of Asia, there are various clothing cultures that have been passed down from generation to generation for a long time. Traditional clothes of Central Asia also reflect the distinctive natural environment and life conditions of the region.
Nomadic tribes of the region made clothes with fur and leather of animals, such as camels and sheep, that were easily found in the area. The nature of felt, which is relatively sturdy and practical compared to other textile materials, made it suitable for producing hats, clothes, and even shoes. Felt clothes were especially good for extremely cold weathers.
Yurts are portable tents used by nomadic groups. The round, wooden frame is covered with felt and fixed with ropes, offering simple assembly and disassembly, as well as mobility. This simple and practical structure made it fit to take part in the history of nomadism. A whole community is required to put up a yurt. Men put up the wooden frame, and women make interior decorations and exterior covers with traditional animals or plants or geometric patterns. For this reason, yurts have become the symbol of bringing all members of a community together. Today, yurt creating methods are passed on between family members and relatives. The traditional knowledge and technology that has been passed down for centuries convey the diligence, responsibility, and prudence of nomads, as well.
Place Info.

ACC Archive&Research, Asia Culture Museum

Copyright(C) National Asian Culture Center. All rights reserved

38 Munhwajeondang-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61485, Republic of Korea


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