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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center

The Road of The Thousand and One Nights

Enjoy Asian legends and myths, Asian daily life and traditions, and cultural content in “The Thousand and One Nights” in diverse media and immersive content.

The Road of The Thousand and One Nights
  • DateJan. 8, 2024 (Mon)–
  • Time(TUE–SUN) 10:00–18:00
    (WED, SAT) 10:00–20:00
    * Closed every Monday
  • PlaceAsia Story Road at Asia Culture Museum
  • Age LimitAll ages
  • Price Free
  • TicketNonguided exhibition
  • Contact+82-1899-5566

천일야화의 길
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The National Asian Culture Center researches epics in Asia that are rich with oral heritage and has been developing Asia Story Map content based on the research outcome. In 2021, the center first introduced “The Road of Ramayana,” an epic tale that travels from India throughout Southeast Asia. The next year, the center presented “The Road of Manas,” a tale that came from Kyrgyzstan.

This year, we present you the third exhibition of the series: 《The Road of The Thousand and One Nights The Arabian Nights》. “The Thousand and One Nights” is the pinnacle of Arabic verbal literature that consists of folk stories, fables, and legends of the Middle East.
Enjoy Asian legends and myths, Asian daily life and traditions, and cultural content in “The Thousand and One Nights” in diverse media and immersive content.
『The Thousand and One Nights』 is…
『The Thousand and One Nights』 is a collection of stories from India and Persia that travels to Iraq, Egypt, and Europe with the changes in the power and government in the region. The translators from the 18th century French Antoine Galland and the 19th century British Richard Burton introduced it to Europe, and then the Arabic world imported this version back. 『The Thousand and One Nights』 is a novel in the narrative of frame that consists of about 300 short stories.
Exhibition Composition

『The Thousand and One Nights』 is a collection of stories told by Scheherazade for 1001 nights to avoid the tyrannical sentencing of the king. This exhibition introduces the history of translation of “The Thousand and One Nights” in East Asia, cultural content created in Asia, slices of life in Arabia, and various versions of the story in Asian languages, etc., in the voice of Scheherazade.
Chapters 1 to 3 introduce the history of translations and the telling of “The Thousand and One Nights” and its key stories. In Chapter 4, guests can find paintings, films, post stamps, postcards, etc., from around the globe, themed with “The Thousand and One Nights.” Chapter 6 introduces renowned translations of the work from around the world, and in Chapter 7, the lives, traditions, relics, and tangible resources of “The Thousand and One Nights.” Chapter 8 of the exhibition displays maps of regions where the “Ramayana,” “Manas,” and “The Thousand and One Nights” are shared.

Pick four stories from “The Thousand and One Nights” that show the diverse traditions and lives of Asia. Color them in and scan to go into the stories that appear on the screen: “Scheherazade” with magnificent Persian palaces, “The Three Siblings That Were Swept Away” in traditional clothes of Mesopotamia, “The Magic Steed” with a princess of Bengal, India, and “Tales of Sindbad” that venture into adventures on a traditional boat Dhow in live sketch video. Pick the character that you like the most. Color them in to scan, and you will go into the screen with the character and travel throughout Asia with them.

For a deeper understanding of “The Thousand and One Nights,” we collected various media data including photographs, videos, and more. Collected data can be checked at the Kiosk for Asia Story Map. Like viewing an exhibition, you can enjoy data in a 3D graphics VR environment.

Place Info.

ACC Archive&Research, Asia Story Road at Asia Culture Museum

Copyright(C) National Asian Culture Center. All rights reserved

38 Munhwajeondang-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61485, Republic of Korea


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