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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center

[Asia Culture Museum Collection Series] Traditional Central Asian Games - Chuko and Toguz Korgool

[Asia Culture Museum Collection Series] introduces the collections of the Asia Culture Museum. The artifacts featured during this exhibition are Chuko and Toguz Korgool, items used in traditional Central Asian games.

[Asia Culture Museum Collection Series] Traditional Central Asian Games - Chuko and Toguz Korgool
  • DateMay 1 – Aug. 4, 2024 (WED–SUN)
  • Time(TUE–SUN) 10:00–18:00
    (WED, SAT) 10:00–20:00
    * Closed every Monday
  • PlaceAsia Culture Museum
  • Price Free
  • TicketNonguided exhibition
  • Contact+82-1899-5566

Asia Culture Museum, ACC Archive & Research, ACC
Asia Culture Museum Collection Series
Traditional Central Asian Games -
Chuko and Toguz Korgool
Located in the heart of the Eurasian continent, Central Asia has geographically played a crucial role as a center of trade between the East and the West for a long time. Primary inhabitants of this region are nomads, whose gaming culture is characterized by various playing activities with livestock and objects found in nature, such as stones and fruits. Through these games, nomads have formed mutually respectful and close ties among members. This exhibition introduces Chuko and Toguz Korgool, traditional Central Asian games played by nomads.
We hope that this opportunity will lead to increased interest in Central Asia’s the traditional culture.
A traditional game using bones of livestock played throughout Central Asia. Chuko is a Kyrgyz word that refers to the ankle bones of a sheep. It is also called “shagai” in Mongolian and “asyk” or “oshuk” in Kazakh and Tajik, respectively. More than a hundred different game types use Chuko, including ones similar to “yunnori” (traditional Korean board game) and marbles. It is also used for fortune-telling. In 2014, Mongolian “Shagai Shooting,” one of the Chuko games, was inscribed as a UNESCO Cultural Heritage.
Toguz Korgool
It is a traditional game of Central Asia referred to as “togyzqumalaq” in Kazakhstan and “mangala” in Turkey. The game can be played with 81 pellets made of stone, wood, metal, bone, nuts, or seeds, which are distributed across the pits, and the player who gathers the most pellets wins the game. In 2020, it was listed as a UNESCO Cultural Heritage as a “Traditional intelligence and strategy game: Togyzqumalaq, Toguz Korgool, Mangala/Göçürme.”
Place Info.

ACC Archive&Research, Asia Culture Museum

Copyright(C) National Asian Culture Center. All rights reserved

38 Munhwajeondang-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61485, Republic of Korea


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