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Announcement of the Winners for the ACC_R Residencies 2020


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Announcement of the Winners for the ACC_R Residencies 2020
ACI is delighted to announce the Winners for the 2nd ACC Creative Performance Story Contest

□ Award

서류전형 합격자의 채용직급, 채용분야, 합격자(응시번호) 안내
Award Title Keyword Identification Number
(last four digit of contact number)
1st Prize 아시안이라 죄송합니다. sexuality 공ㅇㅇ 8227
2st Prize 코로나 COVID-19 변ㅇㅇ 7305
3st Prize 소련 군대에서 발생한 일들은
한국어 공부의 동기가 되는 이야기
diaspora Vㅇㅇ Tㅇㅇ 2629
여행 coexistence 변ㅇㅇ 7305
'우리' 아시아 하기 cultural diversity 김ㅇㅇ 0337
화평시장 무지개마을로 오세요 cultural diversity 이ㅇㅇ 9878
4st Prize 꿈꾸는 편의점 diaspora 김ㅇㅇ 2786
다시 보기 polarization, social safety net 허ㅇㅇ 8219
도쿄이야기 COVID-19 유ㅇㅇ 5841
“먼 데서 온 손님”
-부제: 옴두꺼비집
Japanese Military Sexual Slavery 정ㅇㅇ 7233
물, 잇다 Songkran Festival 정ㅇㅇ 2786
잠긴 나라 environment 김ㅇㅇ 2039
푸른 늑대의 눈 environment 박ㅇㅇ 1379
평양냉면 COVID-19 김ㅇㅇ 1783
회상열차 diaspora 송ㅇㅇ 0969
Disposition sexuality 김ㅇㅇ 7213
※ Personal information was blinded during the process.

□ the Commentary of evaluation

The evaluation of the 2nd ACC Creative Performance Story Contest was conducted in two directions: "a story related to Asia”," contemporary Asian society today”. In addition, the most important criteria for evaluation were the novelty and originality of the situation presented rather than the completeness of the story itself as a synopsis of the contestant.
Moreover, the possibility of implementing the applied works in various genres, such as theater, dance, and etc gave more importance to the stage suitability and imaginative scalability of a given situation and subject rather than the completion of the script and the precise construction of the plot.
Many stories were submitted, and sometimes there were works of intent that were completely different from what the application program required. It is good to see that more and more good works are being submitted over the years.

□ Schedule of the awards ceremony

  • Date & Time : June 19,(Fri) 14:00 (Korean local time)
  • Place : Asia Center Center
  • Attendee : All Winners

□ Inquiries : Email : performance@aci-k.kr / Tel : 062-601-4622


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