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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center

A Window of Asian Culture Facing the World

The Asia Culture Center (ACC) is an international arts and cultural exchange organization that produces new, future-oriented results through the convergence of Asia’s past and present arts and culture with innovative ideas and beliefs. Having the context of artistically sublimating the significance of the May 18th Democratic Movement’s human rights and peace as its point of departure, the ACC, which opened in November 2015, is a Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism–affiliated institution established for the advancement of mutual understanding and cooperative growth with different Asian countries through exchange, education, research, and other efforts with regard to Asian culture.

The ACC plays the role of an integrated platform for participants from Asia and the rest of the world to freely unite and exchange their ideas while transcending boundaries in carrying out the steps of research, creation, and production. At the ACC, diverse and dynamic programs (exhibitions, performances, education, festivals, and other events) using collected research data, resources, etc., are held year-round with the creative output of experts from various fields who have exchanged their creativity and ingenuity with one another.

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Asia Culture Research Institute
A Treasure Trove of Creative Materials Based on Asia
The Asia Culture Research Institute, where research begins, differentiates itself from other research institutes by providing background knowledge and cultural sources related to Asia, which are used in creative activities. It conducts in-depth research for discovering Asian culture, which had been distanced from areas of interest in the past, as new creative subject matter. Aside from that, it also carries out research of practical levels, which can provide a theoretical foundation and imagination for cultural planning and creation.

ACT CenterArts & Creative Technology Center
A Network Platform for Creative Talents from Around the World
"The ACT Center, where cultural creation and production take place, is a dynamic production institution merging creativity and technology to support imagination becoming a reality. The ACT Center serves as a platform for the exchange of knowledge, technology, and experiences by creative talents from around the world including artists, designers, researchers, and engineers.
The ACT Festival is held every November, setting the stage for the introduction and sharing of the creative ideas and innovative work of experts who have gathered in Gwangju, and for experiencing the wonders of convergent contents of arts + technology."

International Exchange
“ACC-R” and “Made by ACC”
"The activities of the Asia Culture Research Institute and the ACT Center are carried out based on active international exchange. Through the residency program ACC-R, the ACC selects cultural creators and producers, researchers (scholars), and artists from around the world through international open calls, and provides them access to facilities, assistance and networking programs, etc., so they can freely realize their ideas and achieve new results expanding their genres and areas.
Artworks created at the ACC are presented at the ACC year-round through programs, including exhibitions, performances, and education, and some of these get circulated in the global market under the brand of “Made by ACC.” As a result of the ACC’s inaugural year, some 20 works of art cocreated at the ACC, including Ten Thousand Tigers, which was cosponsored by the ACC, Singapore’s Esplanade, Sydney’s Carriageworks, and the Vienna Festival, are currently touring some 150 places in the world including the Volksbühne Berlin, Beijing’s Penghao Theatre, the UK’s Tate Modern, the International Theatre Festival of Kerala, and so on.
Moreover, to contribute to the cultural prosperity of Asia and the international community, the ACC seeks to perform the role of a pivot of the Asian arts and culture community and a bridge connecting the community to the world by signing memoranda of understanding with prominent international arts and culture institutions and carrying out collaborative projects. By annually carrying out events related to Asian traditional music, dance, story-telling, and spaces of creative work, the ACC prepares opportunities among different Asian nations for mutual understanding and communication through culture by way of building cooperation and exchange networks among Asian governments, cultural institutions, and experts."

Copyright(C) Asia Culture Center. All rights reserved

38 Munhwajeondang-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61485, Republic of Korea


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