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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center

Asia Culture Center ACC_R Residency 2020 Open Call


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Asia Culture Center ACC_R Residency 2020 Open Call
OPEN CALL 국립아시아문화전당 ACC_R 레지던시 2020(Asia Culture Center ACC_R Residencies) 참여자 공모
ACC(Asia Culture Center) is a research and creation platform to promote the exchange of creative works and interdisciplinary research through ideas expanded from the culture and arts of Asia and the world. ACC invites researchers in Korea to participate in the ACC_R Residency program in 2020.

1. Program Overview

세부 모집사항을 나타낸 표
Category Asian Culture Researcher
Program ACC_R Fellow
Theme Food, clothing, shelter, stories, festivals and rituals, religion and civilization of Asia, Modern/contemporary thoughts, history of intelligence Research on democracy, human rights, and peace
  • Researchers or experts residing in Korea who have continued distinctive studies on Asian culture
Participant’s requirements
(Experienced Researcher)
  • Researchers or experts who have received a doctorate and at least 7 years of experience in related fields or a career of at least 5 years following an associate professorship at a college
  • Researchers or experts who have received a master’s degree and at least 10 years of experience in related fields
(Emerging Researcher)
  • Researchers or experts who have received a doctorate in a related field
  • Researchers or experts who have a master’s degree and at least 5 years of experience in a related field
Program duration August-October
Number of participants 0 (individual)

※ See the links below to find more about summary videos of ACC_R Residency Programs

2. Open Call Schedule

  • Application and submission: June 19 (Fri), 2020 – July 5 (Sun) 2020 ※ Application opens at 10:00 on June 19 and closes at 18:00 on July 5 / Korean Standard Time
  • Application review: July 6 (Mon), 2020 – July 10 (Fri), 2020
  • Announcement of the final selection: July 13 (Mon), 2020
  • ※ The schedule is subject to change.
  • ※ The schedule of selection process and duration of residency differ by programs / Please see the application guideline of each program

3. Benefit

세부 지원내용을 나타낸 표
Category Asian Culture Researcher
Program ACC_R Fellow
Living Expenses (per diem) Max. 2,470,000 KRW per month for Experienced Researcher
Max. 1,650,000 KRW per month for Emerging Researcher
Workspace Research Room in the ACC
Accommodation AsiaPlex Studio (Address: Gyeongyeol-ro 17beon-gil, Seo-gu, Gwangju) or designated place by ACC
Domestic Travel One roundtrip domestic travel

4. Responsibilities

  • Participants must participate in ACC_R exchange program (seminar, workshop, tour, and networking program, etc.)
  • Participants must have a presentation about their work of the project and submit the final report (see below)

5. Requirements for Work

결과물 상세내용을 나타낸 표
Category Asian Culture Researcher
Program ACC_R Fellow
Work of Project (Presentation) Required
  • One research paper At least one time of presentation

6. Selection

  • Judging criteria: organized judging committee will select the candidate who has submitted a plan and portfolio that serve the program’s purpose
  • Process : application review → Selection and announcement (Monday, July 13, 2020)

7. Submission Materials (download from ACC website)

  • Application Form (including project(research) proposal)
  • Personal Information Collection and Usage Agreement
  • CV(Resume) & Required Certificates
  • ACC_R Fellow Application Form (ENG) +
  • ※ For video, include the link of YouTube or Vimeo in the portfolio file. The length of the video should not exceed 5 minutes.
  • ※ All attached files can be uploaded up to 50MB
  • ※ Check the required documents for each program

8. How to apply

  • Apply online (acri@aci-k.kr)
  • ※ Online application only / post and on-site submission will not be accepted
  • ※ Should you have any problem, please contact the team in charge
  • ※ Applications should be received by 18:00 KST(Korean Standard Time) on the due date / Please refer to the detailed guideline for more information

9. Notice

  • Any deliberate omission or false information found in the submissions may lead to revocation of selection or other disadvantages.
  • The project that has been already supported by another institution will not be considered. If such a case is found later, your selection may be revoked.
  • The participant is fully liable for any intellectual property rights dispute with third parties. ※ Selection will be revoked if the selected applicant is found to have used another person’s idea without permission or infringed another person’s intellectual property rights.
  • Participants must follow the general regulations and confirm this by signing a separate agreement.
  • Policy regarding the copyright of the work differs by program.

10. Tel : 062-601-4438)

Copyright(C) Asia Culture Center. All rights reserved

38 Munhwajeondang-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61485, Republic of Korea