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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center

Call for Artists: 2022 ACC International Joint Creation and Production Project


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Call for Artists: 2022 ACC International Joint Creation and Production Project
국립아시아문화전당(이하‘ACC’)은 아시아 과거-현재의 문화예술과 혁신적인 아이디어, 신념이 만나 미래지향적인 새로운 결과물을 생산해내는 국제적인 예술기관이자 문화 교류기관입니다. 국립아시아문화전당의 예술극장은 ‘아시아’ 공연예술의 창·제작 거점을 지향하며 ‘아시아’의 동시대 담론을 아우르며 미래를 선도하는 공연 콘텐츠를 제작해오고 있습니다. 이에 ACC 예술극장은 우수한 해외 예술단체와 연계·협업하여 공연콘텐츠를 공동 창·제작 및 선보이고자 하는 역량 있는 예술 단체를 공모하고자 하오니 많은 관심과 참여 바랍니다.
The Asia Culture Center (ACC) is an international organization of arts dedicated to the exchange of culture and arts that brings together the art and culture of Asia’s past and present, innovative ideas, and beliefs to create new, future-oriented products.

The ACC Theater has produced performance content that embraces contemporary discourses across Asia and leads its future, with the goal of becoming a core site of performance art creation and production in Asia.

We at the ACC are pleased to announce this open call for capable Korean art groups interested in jointly creating and producing performing arts content through networking and cooperation with excellent theaters and artistic groups across the world. We look forward to your interest and participation.
2022 ACC International Joint Creation and Production Project
  • Utilize the cultural resources of Asia as a source of creation, and form and produce creative and experimental content to disseminate the values of Asia across the world.
  • Establish an efficient production system between the ACC Theater, capable private artistic groups, and international joint production partners, and thereby develop outstanding international joint productions
  • Work with international partners to develop and produce new content based on exploration of the contemporary discourses on ‘Asia’ and future-oriented culture and arts, and thereby contribute to the dissemination of ACC values
  • Develop creative and experimental projects with popular appeal to drive the growth of performing arts and expand the repertoire for ACC performances
Free choice among themes that cover the contemporary discourse in Asia
3 in total (1 large-size and 2 medium-sized projects)
Costs associated with the creation and production of the performance, based on joint creation with overseas theaters or artistic groups, and the staging thereof
KRW 980 million (national funding)
  • (2022 main performance) Up to KRW 240 million for a mid-sized theater production
  • (2022 pilot performance) Up to KRW 240 million for a mid-sized theater production
  • (2022 pilot performance) Up to KRW 500 million for a large-sized theater production
  • ※ The number of productions or the budget may be adjusted if none of the submissions are pertinent to the goals of the project or the requested budget is not suitable
접수방법의 구분, 형식, 예시를 나타낸 표
Classification Main Performance, Single Year (2022) Showcase, Multiple Years (2022–2023)
Size 1 mid-sized theater level 1 mid-sized theater level, 1 large-sized theater level
Qualification A performing arts group based in Korea capable of joint production with international theaters or artistic groups for staging the main performance during the 2022 Asia Culture Week in October 2022 A performing arts group based in Korea capable of joint production with international theaters or artistic groups for the pilot performance and evaluation in 2022 and the main performance in 2023
Provisions KRW 2.4 million × 1 work Mid-sized theater: KRW 2.4 million × 1 work; Large-sized theater: KRW 5 million × 1 work
  • Open Call March 28 (MON) - April 25, 2022 (MON)
  • Submission April 8 (FRI) - April 25, 2022 (MON)
  • Method Online contest submission through the e-Naradoum (www.gosims.go.kr) service
  • Review and Results Announcement
  • (Document screening) scheduled for May 3, 2022 (TUE)
  • (PT review and final announcement) scheduled for the 2nd week of May
ACC Content Project Department
  • Tel+82-62-601-4460
    ※ You can contact us by phone during office hours, weekdays 10:00-17:00 (lunch break: 12:00-13:00)
  • E-mailsyyang86@korea.kr

Copyright(C) Asia Culture Center. All rights reserved

38 Munhwajeondang-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61485, Republic of Korea