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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center

Announcement of Successful Candidates on ACC_Research Fellow 2022


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Announcement of Successful Candidates
on ACC_Research Fellow 2022
We are pleased to announce the successful candidates for ACC_R Fellow Program 2022.

May 26, 2022
President of Asia Culture Center

1. List of the Successful Candidates

최종 합격자
Name of Applicant Nationality Identification number
(Last four digit of contact number)
엄○희 Republic of Korea 9740
Moe T***** Canada 8234
Chi P. P*** Vietnam 3979
Michael D. P**** Philippines 9655

2. Notice

  • Please note that next schedules and details of moving in will be notified via email.
  • If there is no reply from the selected researcher within 5 days after the announcement is made, the opportunity will be passed to the next candidate.
  • The selection may be cancelled if any false information or disqualification is found from the submitted documents.

3. Inquiry: Research Division, Asia Culture Center(E. chanyu@korea.kr)

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