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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center



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       Technology has penetrated into our lives some decades ago but we didn’t realize that it has already become one of the most crucial parts of lives. I personally can’t imagine my everyday life without technology, devices or gadgets, because it seems impossible not to face up with technology at least once a day. Wherever we go, we can see a small piece of technology that helps, make it more comfortable and more interesting. But what about its future? How will it be in the coming years? 

▲ Walk Through Cinema

Asia Culture Center (ACC) has become a platform for Creatively fusing technology and art, ACT Festival that introduces future-oriented projects and contents and encourages professionals in and out of the country to exchange ingenious and innovative ideas. Through extensive programs including ACT Showcase, A/V Performance, Talk & Lecture, Workshop, and Screening, it seeks pleasure in the food itself while also interrogating the aftermath and speculating possible options. Together with artists, designers, engineers, and cultural creators from all over the world, ACT Festival 2019 Food Hack will present the most contemporary and futuristic technology

     The first one I’ve seen is Walk Through Cinema and it is literally a new experience where visitors can enjoy the movie as they walk through the large screen. I felt amazed by the moving large screen, how much pleasure it gives with the calming spring music and showing the ‘A Stroll to Soswaewon, the Garden of Reflection’ by Haseo Kim in Hoo. This movie embodies the four seasons of this classic traditional garden of Korea and the audience can see history of it, how people enjoyed living by nature. This experience gives you a chance to have a feeling of a visit to Soswaewon by just walking with the screen. 

       < ACC_R Creators in Lab > is a platform for forward-thinking pioneers from different disciplines including artists, designers, researchers, and engineers. It supports experiments of projects based on knowledge and technology. In the first half of 2019, ACT Showcase presents at the Creators in Lab innovative and speculative projects of 9 creators who explore the theme of ‘Food and Technology’. As you see each exhibition you will realize that there is much more we didn’t know, more intriguing and informative. 

       I also had a chance to listen to some of “Talk’ by ACC_R Creators in Lab artists as they share their innovative ideas and practices with the visitors. Personally, I liked the talk about ‘Hid-cameras’ and their evolving problems in Korea. There have been many innovative and informative presentations in English with Korean interpretations. 

     In the series of Lecture, speakers discuss the theme of “hacking food.” The lectures provide insights into the future of food, from eccentric dinners proposed by futurists and in vitro meat grown in labs to new culinary experiences powered by immersive media. And overall, all this facility included in one ‘Food Hack’ is enjoyed by a variety of people, and remembered with the joy.

       As there are many more things going on ACC, you can visit our website, find out more about upcoming or current programs and enjoy your time.

Written by. Imarova Mokhinur, 12th ACC Reporter
Designed by. Ah Jin Kim, 12th ACC Reporter

Copyright(C) Asia Culture Center. All rights reserved

38 Munhwajeondang-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61485, Republic of Korea