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Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Asia Culture Center

Contemporary Dancer Ahn Eun-me’s Not Uncomfortable


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ACC Brunch Concert: Contemporary Dancer Ahn Eun-me’s Not Uncomfortable

Do you know what makes our world beautiful andoutstanding? 

I do not know how do you think, but for me difference makes ourworld more colorful. This very difference makes people apprehend each otherbetter, also it is somehow educational for self-development. Moreover, thedifference might be motivation and inspiration for ordinary people. Have youever thought what if people all happen to be the same both appearance andcharacter? Do you think that it would make people live? Do you think thatpeople would talk to the person who has got an identical personality? There isnot true or false answer, instead, it is totally up to you. To be honest frommy childhood I was very into being among different people not even stemmingfrom their personality, but, their physical abilities also mattered. I do notwant to show off, however, back to my home country, I was a member of a groupwho helped "different people" in our society. They had specialdisabilities that sometimes they were accepted as a minor group of our bigsociety and most of the time there were ostracized among ordinary people. Myinterest led me to choose one of the most intriguing topics for writing myfirst article as an Asia Culter Center (ACC) reporter and the title is"Contemporary Dancer Ahn Eun-me’s Not Uncomfortable". My eyes were sparkled when I found out thisperformance and wanted to see the performance which was worthy.

"Anyone can be an artist"

I was able to watch this show on the 24th of April, 2019 at 11.00 am! The most important advice that I can give you is being punctual and coming on time to the performance, if you are late then there is very little chance to be allowed to enter the show, moreover, you need to check whether it is possible to take pictures or not. So these are the very important things that you need to make sure you have been determined about. Then you can enjoy the performance. This was the things that have done during the show, I was just sitting in a comfortable chair and seeing a life of different people"s intricated life, it seemed to me that I witnessed whole difficulties from those group of people"s dance. And this was the intention of Ahn Eunmi (the director of this performance) as she says, this is the dance which plays an active part in the domestic and global stage, shows the ways that people"s lives can be solved. Also, by dancing and gesturing of ordinary people can become an art.

 The intention of this show was delivering the feelings of disabled people through the mouth of dance to the audience. This program designed to commemorate the Day of the Disabled people. Ahn Eunmi drew the world stage with her provocative and extraordinary dancing breaking the framework of custom. Based on her own philosophy that dance should be fun, she uses her intense colors to dance, uses new movements and body lines dramatically. Through the dance of Ahn Eunmi, audiences are evaluated to be able to feel newness and energy. In addition to dance, Ahn Eunmi challenges various fields such as movies and fashion shows and shows the expansion of expression through the body. In order to narrow the distance from the audience who was trapped in the proscenium. Ahn Eunmi"s dance featuring delicate and special language expressed in body, mysterious color, dynamic energy flowing without unnecessary rotation and humor shows the desire to communicate with the world beyond the boundaries of Korean tradition.

Throughout the performance, I was grasping the deep meaning of their body language and I got to know that this showcase let us know how we can communicate and coexist with social minorities and demonstrate movement beyond physical disabilities. You cannot understand how emotional the show was, people could not stop applauding, even I could see tickling tears from people"s cheeks. The tears signified empathy and love toward them. the performance did not just entertain the audience, but it also broke the ice between two different groups of people.  Hey, friends never and ever get yourself down and do not say that you are not going somewhere, do not blame yourself for not being able to accomplish your dream, instead make plans and wait for that day it will definitely come true. Even if you are the unlikeliest person in the world endeavor to be thankful for having a head on your shoulders which can lead you towards your dream destination.

If you are interested and you want to have the same experience as mine that will be engraved deep inside then check the information: http://acc.go.kr/en
More brunch concerts to come!!!  

Written by. Khamdamova Nigina, ACC Reporter
Designed by. Hyunah Park, ACC Reporter

Copyright(C) Asia Culture Center. All rights reserved

38 Munhwajeondang-ro, Dong-gu, Gwangju 61485, Republic of Korea