ACC World Music Festival 2019 #3
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- 2019-09-10
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ACC World Music Festival 2019 #3
I don’t know why but I want to startmy article by questioning you about something which is very important for this article. Is there an inalienable activity that you do every day, every single hour, or in your free times?
If you get it, High Five!
When it comes to me, I have something that I am sick with, hooked, bounded, namely, we are inseparable. It is where my heart belongs to, and cannot imagine my life without it. Because, it calms me down when I am out of my temper, helps me to understand myself and make plans for foreseeable future, and most of the timeit helps me in hiding my tears under my pillow. This is Music, which is a part of my life and myself. Music is the only thing that I wake up with, take a shower, eat together, study together, walk together, feel together, cry together, and sleep together. Even, now I am writing this article whilst listening to my favorite song by Anni B Sweet – Capturing Images.
I am a huge fan of live concerts andI always endeavored to go to every single concert in South Korea. Recently, I have been the recipient of a brilliant chance by Asia Culture Center (ACC) to experience The ACC World Music Festival’s 10th anniversary. The feeling was incomparably amazing, delightful. There aren’t enough expressions to explain what I felt in this concert. The only thing that I could do was standing and clapping with so passion that I didn’t even realize the pain in my palm. If you don’t know what is The ACC World Music Festival, that welcomed its 10th anniversary in 2019. This festival tries to introduce different types of musicfrom diverse countries and helps local people to enjoy life concert. In the ACC World Music Festival, nine various nationalities participated. So, World Musicis based on the folk music of each country, it was created by combining various genres such as classical music, jazz, rock, and others. It encompasses the‘culture’ and ‘lifestyle’ of its people.
In every single band’s performance, I tried to sit in front and got swamped into music, even sometimes I couldn’t help dancing, that made me embarrassed after all... The thing that amazed me was people around me. I was so delighted by seeing them and grasping that music can involve different aged people. When I looked around, I saw happy faces that made them so attractive and energetic, sitting along with their family and dancing with their children. While listening to music and seeing families sitting together gave me reminiscence of my childhood, dancing with my sisters and seeing my parents with a big smile on their faces, clapping and kissing us on our forehead.
Overall, we enjoyed our time and I will be eagerly waiting for the 2020 ACC World Music Festival. Music makes me fly on the nine’scloud and advice you to have one niche that will bring you ultimate joy.
Come to enjoy ACC with me and I promise you will have a glorious day.
Written by Khamdamova Nigina, 12thACC Reporter
Designed by Ah Jin Kim, 12th ACC Reporter